Martinez is a patronymic surname derived from the personal name "Martin" and  connotes  son of Martin.

The name MARTIN is very old, dating back to the 3rd century (316). 

The name was made very popular by St Martin of Tours. St Martin was born at Sabaria, Pannonia (in an area that is now known as Hungary), the son of pagan army officer, he was taken to Pavia when his parents moved there, and then when he was fifteen he was inducted into the army against his will. About the 337 A.D. occurred the famous incident at Amiens where he was stationed. He cut his cloak in half and gave half of it to a poorly clad beggar in the freezing cold. During the night he had a vision of Christ clad in his half cloak. He became a convert to Christianity.  While in the army he refused to fight, and was discharged soon after. He returned to Pannonia, converted his mother and others. He was very active in the spread of Christianity and vigorously opposed paganism. Many times he was in great danger and was always saved from harm by seemingly miraculous occurrences. Martin made a visit to Rome and then went to Candes in Touraine, where he established a religious center. He died on November 8. Martin was one of the great saints of Gaul and outstanding pioneer of Western Monasticism before St Benedict. St Martin's shrine at Tours became on of the most popular pilgrim center in Europe, and he is one of the patron saints of France. Celebrated on November 11th.

His festival in the Roman and Anglican churches is November 11th. Martinamas is the name given to the day in England" It is the time when cattle are killed for the winter use, and the new wine is drawn from the lees and tasted. The celebration was very common over most of Christendom, and it has been a somewhat jovial occasion which everyone looks forward to celebrating.

St Martin is the patron Saint of Beggars, tavern keepers, and publicans.

Five Popes have had the name Martin. Martin the 1st was a bishop at Todi, on the Tiber River, Italy in the Crimea, Sept 16, 665. He was canonized and made a Saint. Then there was Martin the 2nd who was incorrectly ascribed to a Pope Marinus 1st. Pope Martin 3rd was incorrectly ascribed to as Marinus 2nd. The last two were Martin the 4th and Martin the 5th.

The name MARTIN is found all over Europe, in Spanish, English, Scots, Irish, French, German, Czech, Flemish/Dutch, Norwegian, Portuguese, Hungarian, Poland, Italy, etc..

For Example: 

Italy: Martini, Martino, Martina (fem), Prov: Marti, Marty. Martello, Martinelli,      Martinetto, Martinol (latin) Martinotti, Martinuzzi.

Spain: Martin, Cat: Marti. 

Portuguese: Martinho. 

Low German: Mar(h)en; Merten. Mertgen, Tienke

Sweden: Morton, 

Hungarian: Marton. 

England: the name varies to the spelling of Marten, Martyn. 

France: Martine, Lamartine (fem form).

             Martineau, Martinet, Martinon, Martino; Tinot (an aphetic form).

German: Martl, Mertel, Mortel (Bavaria); 

Switzerland: Marti, Marty. Italy:  

Flemish Dutch: Meer.  

Ukrainian: Martinyul, Martinets. 

Czechoslovakia: Martinek, Marek. 

Poland: Martynka, Marciek.

The Martinez name is found all over the Spanish peninsula. .



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